Pets can and will heal your nervous system, spirit and attachment wounds.Through their unconditional and devoted love they role model peace, and calmness. Many times I had the pleasure of listening to my kitty purr away while I was grieving or feeling overwhelmed. The responsibility of caring for her helped me grow and stay still long enough to feel (without running from myself) as well as gave me the confidence to conquer the big scary world out there.My kitty certainly taught me how to calm down, stay grounded and persevere one day at a time. I did not know what a home was until I created one for her, then I slowly learned how to create a home for myself. It's these small things that are actually so terribly important in healing.Consistency and structure are key principles in healing from trauma. Pets force us to be consistent. We need to consistently return to our home base to feed them, love them, and take care of them. We create a structure for their safety and inevitably benefit from structure and consistency in our own lives. Whatever attachment wounds are from our past, somehow are healed in the relationship with our pet because we understand that they will always be there, at least until the end of their life.Even then, we learn how to let with gratitude.

Rest in Peace Oriella ~ may you rest with your sister who for some reason greeted you with a sock in the nose. I bet she doesn't do that now... now that there is no need for jealousy.Crystal Arber CC 2016